【SAMSUNG】三星Galaxy S22 Ultra内建S Pen,效率与创意全由你掌控

今年推出的三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G,刻录着三星两大智能手机系列的特殊融合——Note系列中高效率专业性能和 S系列里史诗般的相机功能,为Ultra型号的智能手机创造有史以来最强大的体验,并进一步提升至第一款内置S Pen的 Galaxy-S 设备。

今年推出的三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G,刻录着三星两大智能手机系列的特殊融合——Note系列中高效率专业性能和 S系列里史诗般的相机功能,为Ultra型号的智能手机创造有史以来最强大的体验,并进一步提升至第一款内置S Pen的 Galaxy-S 设备。

作为高效率大师,三星Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G 的机身经过精心设计,配备了S Pen专用插槽,让你在灵光乍现可轻易取出S Pen使用。这款S Pen重量仅为3.04g,笔尖直径为0.7mm,轻巧好用,可靠的2.8ms的稳定反应时间不仅最准确,而且带来超自然的书写体验。

全新三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G内置的S Pen让你能够通过几个关键功能,如“S Pen to Text”等,最大限度地提高记录笔记体验,可以完全摆脱在外接设备上做笔记的需要。不仅如此,你还可以使用S Pen直接在Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G上方便地记笔记,并将手写内容转换为文本。

S Pen将标杆提升至全新水平,带来更简化无痕的使用体验,在三星Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G智能手机通过Web Clipper功能,你可以轻松将在设备上正看着的部分内容,包括设备上三星应用程式中网站链接、照片及信息,截取并转移至三星Notes应用程式,

无论是随意涂鸦或完美地将重要的工作完成,三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G 内置的S Pen都能让你体验智能手机前所未有的正真高效率,

无论是休闲涂鸦还是完美执行严肃的工作,三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G 上的 S Pen 都能让用户发挥最大潜能,体验智能手机上前所未有的真正生产力。这一切甚至更多,只有三星 Galaxy S系列中最强劲的Ultra型号能够赋予。

欲购买三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G,请点击: https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-s22-ultra/buy/

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S Pen on the Galaxy S22 Ultra: Mastering Productivity and Creativity

The launch of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G this year marked a special merge between two of Samsung’s hallmark collections – the productive expertise of the Note series and the epic camera capabilities of the S series, creating the most powerful experience ever in an Ultra smartphone, elevated further by being the first Galaxy-S device with a built-in S Pen.

To be a master of productivity, the S22 Ultra 5G’s build was meticulously designed with a dedicated S Pen slot to empower users with the option of accessing S Pen features whenever inspiration comes knocking on their door. Sitting at a comfortable 3.04g with tip diameter of 0.7mm, this S Pen is most accurate one yet with a solid 2.8ms response time to create a super-natural writing experience.

The S Pen on the new Galaxy S22 Ultra enable users to maximise the note taking experience through several key features, namely S Pen to Text, which completely rids the need for users to take notes on an external device. Instead, users can conveniently jot notes directly on their S22 Ultra with the S Pen and transform their handwriting into text.

Taking measures to a new level, the S Pen introduces an even more streamlined experience to working on the S22 Ultra through Web Clipper, which allow users to easily extract and port a portion of the content they’re viewing directly to Samsung Notes, including links, photos, and messages from Samsung apps within the device.

Whether for casual doodling or for executing serious work to perfection, the S Pen on the Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G enables users to experience true productivity by being an all-for-one package that is centred around empowering its users to achieve their fullest potential of working on a smartphone like never before. All this and more, only on the most powerful Ultra device in the Galaxy S Series. To pre-order the Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G: https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-s22-ultra/buy/ [/read]

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