Drive de Cartier
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With the patterning of the guilloché dial resembling the design of a radiator grill, the domed crystal, counter at 6 o’clock and the winding crown shaped like a bolt, the motor car is an indisputable presence. 古董车
This is an allusion that Cartier has diverted and enhanced, reinterpreting the distinction of its streamlined forms. The finishes seem designed to meet the exacting standards of the connoisseur: textured satin at the sides with polished surfaces for top and bottom. The former is intended to magnify the volume, the latter to hone it.
Drive de Cartier腕表拥有丰富款式,尽显独特风格。
Over and above a strongly defined character, the aesthetic emphasis of the Drive de Cartier watch changes with each different model.
表壳以玫瑰K金或精钢打造,配备黑色、灰色或白色扭索雕纹表盘,搭配罗马数字时标及剑形指针。卡地亚1904 MC型工作坊精制机芯透过透明表背一览无余。
Its case, in pink gold or steel, is fitted with a black, grey or white guilloché dial marked by Roman numerals punctuated with sword-shaped hands. The transparent case-back reveals the Manufacture movement 1904 MC, available in two versions:
1904-PS MC型机芯具备时分显示、小秒针和日期显示功能。
hours, minutes, small seconds and date for the 1904-PS MC.
1904-FU MC型机芯配备双时区、昼夜指示、大日历和小秒针功能。
; and second time zone, day/night indicator, large date and small seconds for the 1904-FU MC.
此外,Drive de Cartier腕表亦推出了高级制表款,搭载9452 MC型浮动式陀飞轮机芯,荣膺“Poinçon de Genève”(日内瓦优质印记)。
The Drive de Cartier watch is also available in a Fine Watchmaking version, with a flying tourbillon 9452 MC, certified “Poinçon de Genève”.
Instinct, independence, elegance, these are the qualities of the Drive man; an attitude and a mindset that are not just about existing, but about knowing how to live. This is a man who cannot be categorised, who seems natural on first impressions, but is more sophisticated than he initially appears. His true talent is an aptitude for freedom.
He appreciates the good things in life for himself and the pleasure they bring him. His watch is worn as a reflection of the man, rather than for status, the same applies to his passions which he steers, as he would his car, appreciating the beauty of the skills involved.
人们说,他是鉴赏家,以敏锐的感官捕捉褶皱、光泽的细微变化及精心翻折的袖口或衣领。从内到外,欣赏每一处独特的细节,散发与众不同的魅力。而惊鸿一瞥中,Drive de Cartier腕表阔约表壳与利落线条的平衡,不正吸引了他的视线?
People say he’s a connoisseur, sensitive to the precision of a fold, an exact shade of patina or a meticulously turned cuff or lapel. These are the details that make the difference for him. Was it the balance between the dimensions of the case and the taut linear design that initially caught his eye in the Drive de Cartier watch?
这款风范之作,以枕形的表壳造型,彰显过目难忘的独特个性。Drive de Cartier腕表,敬献给对生活充满热情的男士,续写卡地亚造型腕表的传奇篇章。
Certainly the mark of this stylish timepiece’s character is cultivated in the cushion-shaped case. The Drive de Cartier watch is the watch of a man of passion and continues the long standing tradition of Cartier watches with distinctive shapes.
source: Cartier